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How to Acquire the Job Experience You Need 

If you can’t find your employability standout factor, create it. 

 A recent study says job experience is the deciding element of recruiters and hiring managers in the selection process. Hence, accumulating experiences from school to different companies are all required to bolster your resume for a successful job search.  

 However, this is extra challenging for both students and recent graduates. 

 Your friends from NKR Recruit got your back. Read the following suggestions to practically obtain the job experience you need that can turn your application irresistible. 

Be aware of all the pertinent experiences you had

 For recent college graduates hunting for jobs, getting their foot on the ladder is the hardest. They need some experience to have a job, but a job requires some experience.  

 Go over your past jobs and find relevance between the experience you need and the experience you have. Probably you had summer jobs years back or some part-time stints. No matter how short, as long as it is relevant to the job you are applying for, maximize it on your resume. However, if you had zero job experience, consider thinking back on your extracurriculars in school. It could be clubs you are part of or some student activities, from which you gained skills or exposure to a job-like environment. This is eminently helpful for entry-level jobs that require specific years of experience. 

Create the experience you need

After looking back on your past experiences and finding no relevance to the job you dream of, it’s time to create the experience and earn the skills you need to succeed.  

  • Short Course and Internship 

Relevant short courses are significant standout elements to a CV, not to mention the skills you can acquire from each course. Aside from classes, internships are another opportunity to develop skills and give valuable job experience, which can help anyone stand out from other candidates. 

  • Freelancing 

Today more than ever, the freelance industry has become stronger. Different marketable skills are available through freelancing. Soft skills are equally important. Freelancers are seen to be self-motivated with the nature of their jobs. Hence, a good source of job experience for anyone. 

  • Volunteer work 

Doing volunteer work is another way to create the experience you need for a particular job. You can turn to some organizations around your neighborhood and offer professional services. If not for an entity, you can also volunteer to any of your friends’ or family members’ businesses. This way, you don’t only help them, but they help you build the person you need to get the job you want. 

 Following one’s employability considerably relies on one’s experience; those who want to have a slight edge over others ought to be willing to hustle to find or create the job experience that your future employers will find hard to notice. 

 For a job experience that can instantly leverage your skills, check various NKR Recruit job opportunities.


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