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How to Draft a Resume that Stands Out in the Pile  

Did you know that the average time a recruiter spends on scanning a profile is seven seconds?   

Building a resume that passes automatic HR filters within seven seconds is not easy. With an average job receiving tens or hundreds of applicants, writing a resume that attracts the hiring manager’s attention at first sight is crucial.   

On this blog, your friends from NKR Recruit enlists 5 tips to spruce up any job seekers’ resumes and eventually lead them to enter the job market.    

  • The Right Format Makes A Difference 

Before starting, decide which format you would use for your resume. There are three commonly-used resume formats: chronological, functional, and combination. Chronological resume format lists your work history in reverse order, starting with your most recent job and working backward. The said format is an excellent option for people with plenty of work experience relevant to the position they’re interested in. However, if your work history has gaps, you may opt not to use this format and consider the next one. The second is a functional or skills-based resume format that focuses on skills and strengths employers would be interested to know. The last one is the Combination resume format which blends the first two types of resumes. This can showcase how the skills earned in the past apply to the job being sought. Whichever resume format you decide to use, make sure you don’t leave off the skill section, as this is where you can capitalize the most.   

  • Pay Attention To The Length and Layout  

Regardless of your industry, most resumes should only be two pages long. Two pages are the standard length to fit all the keywords, work history, experience, and skills essential to be known by the recruiters. However, for freshers, a two-page resume can be a challenge to produce. One-page resumes are recommended for applicants with no or just a few years of work experience in the job market. For the layout, make sure to provide ample white space, use an easy-to-read and right size font. These can instantly turn any resume visually appealing. Lastly, save the written resume in PDF to keep the formatting intact.   

  • Give Heed To The Header 

The Header, which is on the top section of your resume, most likely receives the first attention. Hence, it would be best to craft it in a captivating way. Apart from the name, location, job title, and contact details that are typically on this section, consider providing a link to your LinkedIn and personal portfolio website to give recruiters a better understanding of you as a candidate.    

  • Highlight Achievements And Awards  

Achievements and awards are unquestionably standout factors to your resume. They should go hand in hand with the skills and responsibilities earned in one’s previous jobs. Maximize the achievements and awards section to convince the recruiters that the job suits you.   

  • Tailor Your Resume 

Tailoring your resume according to the job requirement is probably the most essential best practice to remember and apply as you build your resume. It is crucial that every job seeker research and reads the job description to tailor their resume accordingly.   

Remember that drafting a stellar resume takes time, effort, and a lot of research. Start working on your resume, and sooner than you know, you will start getting interview invites that you can certainly ace with proper preparation.

A good resume is perhaps the only thing that stands between you and your dream job. For some fantastic job opportunities this second month of 2022, visit NKR Recruit.


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