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Forge your Own Career Path

Are you at a career crossroads? 

Mapping out a path toward career success is not a walk in the park. Sometimes, the road is broken, other times, it’s dark, and it can be scary.  

After finishing school, it is so easy to see life through rose-colored glasses. People would feel pumped up and ardent to thread the life they dream of, ready to conquer the world, expecting life to be figured out easily with everything falling into their awesome places. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. 

The truth of the matter is charting a career path for yourself can be daunting, but with proper perspective in place, it’s doable. The following are little nuggets of encouragement from the team of NKR Recruit in forging your own career path. 

Start small. Fail fast. 

Citing Zig Ziglar’s words in one of his books, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” The American author understands the importance of taking the initiative to accomplish something. Feelings of loss, discouragement, and fear are common whether we’re new at something or after some failed attempts. Thus, self-talk is paramount in starting small and failing fast. 

Skip timeline expectations and quit comparing.

Progress is personal. In forging your career path, we must not lose ourselves in the process. While it is easier said than done, making efforts to keep the weight off other people’s expectations plus your own should be aimed. 

Experience over education 

It goes without saying that acquiring both job experience and relevant education are somehow the two major elements in landing your dream career, aside from your character. However, between the two, strive to focus more on gaining relevant professional work experience that can significantly make you eligible for a specific job. 

Networking works. 

As much as you may want to succeed for yourself and by yourself, not having the right connections, such as mentors, can be a barrier keeping you from reaching your full potential.  

Ultimately, being intentional in forging our career path pays off. For more insightful career and productivity blogs, follow the NKR Recruit Facebook page to keep you updated.


NKR Recruit offers a virtual staffing solution for companies looking to scale their teams and find virtual professionals ready to add value and help them achieve their organizational goals. We help our clients grow by bringing them quality talent through our excellent sourcing and recruitment solutions at a fraction of the cost.

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